Orthodontic treatment plan
Orthodontic treatment plan
Umów wizytęOpis zabiegu
An orthodontic plan is a detailed treatment regimen, developed based on the patient’s diagnosis and individual needs. The plan includes an analysis of the occlusion, X-rays, and tooth models, and aims to determine the best way to correct the malocclusion. The plan takes into account the type of braces, the duration of treatment, and possible additional procedures such as tooth extractions or retention.
Szczegóły zabiegu
Duration: 30-60 minutes.
Preparation: Interview, radiographs, models of teeth.
Course: Analysis of diagnosis, development of treatment plan, discussion with patient.
Results: Clear treatment plan and preparation for starting orthodontic therapy.
Recuperation: None; patient can start treatment immediately.
- Malocclusion: anterior occlusion, posterior occlusion, open bite, crossbite.
- Crooked or crowded teeth.
- Need to correct aesthetics and functionality of the bite.
- Lack of patient cooperation or willingness to treat.
- Neglected oral hygiene.
- Untreated dental problems such as caries or periodontal disease.a