Teeth varnishing (fluoridation)

Teeth varnishing (fluoridation)

Umów wizytę

Opis zabiegu

Dental varnishing is a procedure that involves coating the enamel with a preparation containing fluoride compounds. Sometimes varnishing is called fluoridation. The fluoride preparation is applied with a thin brush. A thin layer is sufficient because fluoride is released into the enamel within a few hours after treatment. A layer of fluoride on the enamel strengthens the teeth and protects them from caries. Fluoridation is performed on teeth that are thoroughly cleaned of tartar and plaque. Fluoridation should not be carried out too often. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every six months. However, people prone to caries should varnish their teeth more often.

Szczegóły zabiegu

Varnishing your teeth is not a complicated procedure. It is quick, simple and painless. First, the dentist will check the condition of your teeth and, if necessary, remove tartar from them. At the next stage, a thin layer of fluoride is applied to the teeth, which is absorbed, strengthening the enamel. After the procedure, you should not eat for at least two hours. You should also not brush your teeth on the day of varnish application – up to 12 hours after the procedure.


  • Prevention of caries


  • None
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