

Everything you need to know about eyelid correction surgery at Your Med Medical Centre

Over time, the skin around the eyes loses its elasticity and the eyelids become flabby, which can diminish appearance and hinder daily function. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid correction surgery, is an effective way to restore a youthful appearance and improve your quality of life. At Your Med Medical Centre, we offer a professional approach to this procedure, allowing us to meet the expectations of even the most demanding patients.

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin, fatty tissue, and sagging muscle from the upper or lower eyelids. It is performed not only for aesthetic purposes but also for functional purposes, especially when flaccid eyelids limit the patient’s field of vision.

Indications for blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is recommended for people who have noticed the following problems:

  • Excess sagging skin on the upper eyelids.
  • Drooping eyelids limit the field of vision.
  • Bags under the eyes result from fatty tissue accumulation.
  • Visible wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes.
  • A tired and aged facial appearance.

How does the blepharoplasty procedure work?

1. Pre-operative consultation

The procedure is preceded by a detailed consultation with the surgeon, during which the patient’s expectations, indications for the procedure, and any contraindications are discussed. The doctor also performs an anatomical assessment of the eye area.

2. Preparation for surgery

Before surgery, the patient should carry out the recommended diagnostic tests and avoid taking any medication that may affect blood clotting.

3. Procedure

The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and patient preference. The surgeon makes precise incisions in the natural folds of the eyelids, which allows scars to be hidden. Excess skin, fatty tissue, and possibly sagging muscles are then removed. The entire procedure usually takes between one and two hours.

4. Recovery period

After the procedure, the patient may experience slight swelling and bruising, which subsides within a few days. The sutures are usually removed after 5-7 days. The final effects are visible after a few weeks when the tissues have fully healed.

Переваги блефаропластики

  • Покращення зовнішнього вигляду: Блефаропластика повертає обличчю більш молодий і відпочилий вигляд.
  • Покращення якості життя: процедура може значно покращити зір при опущених повіках.
  • Мінімальні рубці: Розрізи робляться в природних складках повік, що робить шрами практично непомітними.
  • Довготривалий результат: Результати блефаропластики зберігаються протягом багатьох років, що робить процедуру інвестицією в довготривалі естетичні результати.

Why choose Your Med Medical Centre?

At Your Med, we provide the highest standard of care and an individual approach to each patient. Our team of experienced surgeons uses state-of-the-art surgical techniques and tools, which guarantees safety and satisfaction with the results of the procedure.

We invite you to a consultation at Your Med Medical Centre, where we will answer any questions you may have about blepharoplasty and help you decide whether to have the procedure performed. Discover a younger and more radiant look with our care!